Where to Buy

Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the suppliers that are strategic whenever applicable to ensure the University leverages its buying power when purchasing products or services from a supplier. No business should be done with a new supplier before a comprehensive vetting process is completed by Procurement Services and the supplier has been added to buyND. See new supplier add process below.

  1. Strategic: A supplier that has been selected as a result of a formal bidding process led by the Procurement Services team.
    • The role of the strategic supplier is to provide products and/or services to the University and has agreed to provide deep discounts to the University, as well as excellent products and customer service.
    • Campus users may purchase from strategic suppliers regardless of the amount without getting multiple quotes or initiating a Request for Proposal (RFP).
  2. Approved: Suppliers who have been vetted by Procurement Services and are available in the buyND system.
    • Purchases from $10,000 - $249,999 must have (3) three quotes from (3) three different suppliers. Purchases over $250,000, require a formal bidding process conducted by Procurement Services prior to adding a supplier to buyND.
  3. Small Business & Diverse Supplier: A supplier that is certified by a federal, state or local government agency or a certified organization agency.

New Supplier Add Process:

If a purchase is being considered with a new supplier that is not an Approved Supplier, submit a Supplier Add Form by logging into buyND to request that the supplier be considered for Approved Supplier status by the Procurement Services team.

  • Purchases under $10,000, must have a minimum of (1) one quote please submit the supplier add form by logging into buyND.
  • Purchases from $10,000 - $249,999 must have (3) three quotes from (3) three different suppliers. Please submit the Supplier Selection Form by logging into buyND, as well as the
    Supplier Add Form if not already in buyND.
  • Purchases over $250,000 require a formal bidding process conducted by Procurement Services prior to adding a supplier to buyND.