New Section in buyND Order Documents

Author: Javier Hernandez

On March 10, 2014, Procurement Services will be adding an additional section to the requisition and purchase order documents in buyND. Titled, “Fixed Asset Review/University Inventory,” this section will be located below the “General,” “Internal Info,” and “Supplier Info” sections in the requisition document and below the “General Information,” “Shipping Information,” and “Billing” sections in the purchase order document. This section is being added as a result of a Green Belt Project to aid in the record-keeping of capital assets and expedite the biennial physical inventory of those items.

This new section will appear in every requisition and purchase order document but will only need to be filled out if the items being purchased are capital assets or are parts that will be combined to create a capital asset. As defined by the federal government, capital assets are assets valued at $5,000 and over that are centrally tracked, tagged, capitalized, and depreciated. While the section will appear in every order document, it will not be sent out to the supplier in the actual purchase order.

The “Fixed Asset Review/University Inventory” section will have the following four requests for information as well as help information to assist you in filling out the fields:

  1. Identify any line items that work together as a system:
  • If any of the line items being purchased on this order work together as a system, please list them in this section. e.g. Line items 1, 3, 4.
  1. System or equipment name:
  • For inventory purposes, please list a recognizable description for the system or equipment.
  1. Contact name and email address:
  • Please list the name and email address of the person who will be responsible for this system or equipment during inventory.
  1. Location where the system or equipment will reside:
  • Please list the room number and building where the system or equipment will reside.

Any missing data for a system or equipment that is valued at over $5,000 may result in a delay of the approval process.

Please look to the buyND training documents for help in filling out this new section. Any questions regarding whether an asset is considered a capital asset can be directed to